Consumer’s society has promoted immaculateness, and the continuous renewal of our close environment as the sole horizon of our individual aspirations. Bounded to such politic of brand newness, individuals seem compelled to define themselves regardless of the particular histories composed through the daily wear and tear of objects surrounding them. Design has been an ally in that politic ever since the beginning of the XXth century. But that politic of unspoiled standardization and tidiness is more and more challenged by the democratic respect for messy diversity, the social engagement toward weathering durability, and the public inclination for the noisy web 2.0.
This conference aims to analyse how design, as a mean for the constitution of subjectivity, can rally with the evolution of our political landscape. Two main topics will be explored :
– Which living scenario are proposed by designers, and how can those scenarios support the reinvention of selves ;
– How are those challenges to modern brand newness to transform design ?
Details about the submission process can be found here. (Please note that this is a French speaking event, so that all other informations from now on will be only available in that language.)
This conference will take place in Montreal (CANADA), thursday the 10th of may, within the ACFAS multidisciplinary annual congress. All communications will be held in french. Registration fees ranges from 56,91$ for early birds-students members of ACFAS, to 275,00$ for late registration, international non-members. Registration gives access to the whole ACFAS congress from may 7th to may 11th.